2-liter plastic bottle, string, 1 banana peel, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup strong vinegar. Slice banana peel into strips and insert them into the plastic bottle. In a separate container, combine sugar and vinegar. Pour this mixture into the bottle, then fill it to within two inches of the neck with water. Tie the string around the neck of the bottle, then tie other end around the lower branches of a tree.

Fruit and black flies, yellow jackets and other insects find the fermenting banana, sugar and vinegar more attractive than the fruit on the tree. Once they fly in, they get caught in the sticky mixture and drown. This works so well that it can make spraying fruit trees unnecessary.

Mix 1 tablespoon dishwashing detergent and one cup vegetable oil. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of this mixture with one cup of water and spray it on plants.

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