Toothpaste to reduce swelling
Pain can be soothed by a thick paste of baking soda and water
Half an onion applied to a bee sting help to stop the pain and swelling
Apply bleach on bite to relieve swelling and pain.
Put on castor oil' Moist snuff, tobacco, mud or red clay

To ease the pain and itching of chigger bites, rub with moist aspirin tablet.

To treat insect bites, rub on apple cider vinegar to relieve the itching. A paste made of baking soda also helps
To avoid insect bites, avoid wearing perfume, bright colors and flowery print clothes or bright jewelry.

Soak bites in salt water or apply a paste of salt mixed into lard or cold cream.

Skunk Odors
Mix one part of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap. Use the concoction immediately and then rinse off with tap water

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